Friday, October 31, 2008

Is it really candy or is it medicine?

As I'm sitting and eating my daughter's trick-or-treat candy, I can remember how upset I was when I heard someone tell my daughter that the chewable acetaminophen tablets were candy so that she would take it.  Many candies look like the medicine that you may have in your home. For example, green m&m's look like green iron pills that many adults take every day. When left unattended, children may sneak the colorful pills into their mouths, mistaking them for candy. Here are some helpful hints on how to get your kids to take their medicine. Some safety tips for poison prevention can be found in an article in Parents magazine. Other tips can be found on the web site for the American Association of Poison Prevention. Also, keep the phone number for the Poison Control Center near your phone, and call if you think there might have been an exposure. Teach the number to your children: 1-800-222-1222 and that medicine is not candy.

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